Watermelon Fruit Symptoms

Originally prepared for Vegetable MD Online by Thomas A. Zitter.

This page includes symptoms caused by:


Angular leaf spot | See factsheet for more information (LIHREC)

Symptoms: Brown spots, 1-4 mm in diameter, circular, water-soaked often with raised white center. These can develop in storage. Leaf symptoms also present.

Bacterial leaf spot | See factsheet for more information (LIHREC)

Symptoms: Brown spots varying greatly in size (up to a half dollar). Lesions can develop into a water soaked rot that leads to fruit collapse. Leaf symptoms also present.

Fungi & Oomycetes

Anthracnose | See factsheet for more information (LIHREC)

close-up photo of two lesions on a watermelon
Photo courtesy of T. A. Zitter, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Symptoms: Dark brown spots, circular, 2-5 mm, or larger in diameter, sunken with salmon-colored fungal growth under moist conditions or tiny black specks. Spots often develop in storage. Leaf and stem symptoms also present.


Symptoms: Symptoms usually start to develop at the blossom end of fruit touching the ground. Affected tissue develops a wet, soft rot. The pathogen’s growth is distinctive. It looks furry (hairy) and like a lot of pins in a pin cushion. Blossoms and leaves can also be affected.

Fusarium dry rot | See factsheet for more information (LIHREC)

Symptoms: Tan, circular spots. Firm dry rot. White fungal growth. On surface side touching moist soil. Uncommon.

Gummy stem blight | See factsheet for more information (LIHREC)

Symptoms: Black spots, circular or irregular, can be large. Initially water-soaked, pinkish then turning black. Fruit often collapse due to other rotting organisms. Symptoms often develop in storage. Pycnidia often develop in storage. Pycnidia often develop. Foliar phase called gummy stem blight black rot.

Phytophthora fruit rot | See factsheet for more information

several diseased watermelon fruit
Photo courtesy of Meg McGrath, Cornell University, LIHREC, NY.

Symptoms: Water-soaked or sunken spots. Enlarge to encompass entire fruit. White yeast-like fungal growth. Leaf and stem symptoms also present. Localized occurrence.

Plectosporium blight | See factsheet for more information (LIHREC)

Symptoms: Light tan spots, small spindle-shaped, sunken, dry, scabby. Spots primarily on fruit handles, stems, and sometimes on leaves.

Powdery mildew | See factsheet for more information (LIHREC)

diseased watermelon fruit
Photo courtesy of Meg McGrath, Cornell University, LIHREC, NY.

Symptoms: White, powdery-like growth covering the surface of the fruit.


Symptoms: White spots, circular, 1-2 mm in diameter, raised like a rash. Leaf symptoms also present.


diseased watermelon fruit
Photo courtesy of T.A. Zitter, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Symptoms: Beige or brown spots, dry and corky, small, circular. Initially sunken; can be raised. Leaf and stem symptoms also present.

Sclerotinia white mold

Symptoms: Watery, odorless rot. The pathogen produces a white cottony mold with black, hard, pea-like bodies. Develops in field or in storage. Localized occurrence, especially where beans or cabbage were grown.


Symptoms: White spots, circular, 1-2 mm in diameter, raised like a rash. Leaf symptoms also present.


Aster yellows

Symptoms: Fruit smaller and lighter in color than normal. Leaf symptoms also present.


Watermelon mosaic virus | See factsheet for more information (LIHREC)

diseased watermelon fruit
Photo courtesy of T.A. Zitter, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Symptoms: Fruit mottled, discolored (e.g. green blotches), distorted, bumpy, malformed. Plant stunted. Leaf symptoms also present.

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